Covid safety measures implemented in the tuition centres for classroom-based courses

We have taken the following steps to improve hygiene and overall safety in all of our tuition centres:

  • At the entrance point to every tuition centre there is a hand sanitizer for parents and children to utilise when entering the premises
  • Outside every classroom and breakout space there are hand sanitizers which the children are encouraged to use before the entering the classroom
  • Children who are potentially displaying Covid symptoms on the premises will be speedily isolated and parents will be contacted and asked to come and collect them
  • All classroom and breakout spaces are fitted with medical grade air purifiers that run continually when the tuition centres are in operation

Tuition Arrangements for 2022-23 classroom-based courses if Covid-19 interrupts face-face tuition

How will classroom-based tuition be delivered if ‘social distancing’ does not permit children to attend the tuition centres in the short-term?

1. Weekly lessons:

Classroom-based courses will switch to remote learning. The designated lesson times that parents have booked for will be observed.  During this time a weekly Zoom teaching session will be delivered by the class teacher with the support of the two supervisors and eight classroom assistants.

2. Books and materials:

All books and materials will be posted out monthly to parents well in advance of lessons.

3. One-to-one support:

Each week, the usual one-to-one support with our trained classroom assistants will continue to take place to address any issues from the weekly tests or homework that a child may not have understood.  The assistants and supervisors will be equipped with laptops which will have two high-definition educational cameras attached to them.  One camera will be able to view a book and the other will allow the child to view the assistant working with them.  Zoom technology will be used and this will also enable the whiteboard facility to be utilised.  Parents and children will only require a desktop computer, laptop or tablet and an internet connection to receive video calls.

4. Class teacher:

The class teacher will address and teach the class as normal.  The class teacher and the two supervisors will be available to deal with queries and issues and there will be regular contact with parents when necessary.  They will also be available to talk through specific issues with a parent at their request on any particular week.  These teams will work in the same classroom and breakout space in the tuition centre where the children will eventually return to once the restrictions are lifted.

These arrangements will mean that a switch to normal working*can be made immediately the COVID-19 restrictions finally ease.

At this point, remote working will cease for all classroom-based courses.  There will be no option to continue remote working.

*Classroom-based course pupils will now be expected to attend tuition weekly at the tuition centres in the class that was booked when they enrolled onto the course.

We trust that the remote working will be a short-term measure, but the arrangements we have put in place will ensure that we can provide the same high-quality tuition even under these circumstances and we can easily revert to normal working once that is possible.

Enrolment for our February Late Start Year 4 Pre-Plus course is open!

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