Today is World Book Day!

wbd_logoChildren across the UK and Ireland will be taking part in book-themed festivities today (Thursday 3rd March) to mark World Book Day 2016, a celebration of books and reading taking place in 100 countries across the globe. The aim of the annual event is to encourage children to read more books through collaborations with schools and bookshops.

Bookshops across the country will be partnering with schools to offer all children either a £1 book token which they can exchange for either a copy of World Book Day 2016’s selected £1 titles or a £1 discount for any book of their choosing.

As part of the celebrations, schoolchildren in the UK and Ireland are encouraged to pay £1 to dress up for the day as characters from their favourite books with the proceeds being donated to Book Aid International, who provide books for libraries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Details of this year’s £1 books and further information about the events taking place to mark World Book Day 2016 can be found on the World Book Day website. The website also has an array of free resources available to parents, tutors and teachers to help encourage children to read more books.

Happy reading!

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